Exchange SP2 Upgrade

The instructions below will guide you though the SP2 upgrade for Exchange 2010.


  • Make sure all users have been logged off the server before proceeding with the upgrade.  If an employee is logged into the server you may receive an error or similar to:
    “Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the ‘mmc’ (7060) process (ID: ) has ‘Microsoft.EnapIn.Esm.dll’ loaded. Close the process and restart setup.” 

    Take note of the process ID number 7060 listed above.  Open task manager and end task the application with the same process ID.  You may then restart the SP2 installation.

  • Do Not use the EMS (Exchange management Shell) for the upgrade.  If you do the installation will fail with a similar error to the one listed above.
  • If you are running a DAG on the Mailbox role please failover the database(s) before proceeding with the upgrade.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Confirm the “Windows Management Instrumentation” service is set to Automatic and is currently started.
  2. Open PowerShell in administrator mode and enter:

    “ServiceControl.ps1 AfterPatch”If an error is returned please enter the cmd listed below:
    “Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned” and then run the “ServiceControl.ps1 AfterPatch” cmd.
  3. Confirm the Execution policy is set to “Undefined” by entering the following CMD:
    “Get-ExecutionPolicy -list”
    If an ExecutionPolicy has a setting other then “Undefined” please enter the following CMD:
    “Set-ExecutionPolicy Undefined”
  4.  Navigate to the Exchange SP2 directory to begin the SP2 upgrade and then enter following CMD:
    “Setup /Mode:Upgrade /InstallWindowsComponents”
  5. After the installation has completed please proceed to with the installation of Rollup 2 by using powershell in administrator mode.  Then execute the following msp file “Exchange2010-KB2661854-x64-en.msp”
  6.  After the installation has completed please restart the server.

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